sexta-feira, maio 25, 2012


Dois estabelecimentos, de saúde e beleza, foram alvo de assaltos à mão armada anteontem, na zona de Benfica, em Lisboa. Em ambos os casos, ocorridos com apenas quatro horas de diferença, os assaltantes fugiram de mãos quase a abanar. Só levaram telemóveis.
A Clínica Dentária Central Care, na avenida do Colégio Militar, foi o primeiro dos dois estabelecimentos a ser assaltado. Eram cerca de 15h00 quando um homem de sotaque brasileiro entrou na clínica com uma pistola. Ameaçou e obrigou a única funcionária, de 33 anos, que estava ao balcão, a entregar-lhe tudo o que tinha.
No entanto, o assaltante saiu da clínica dentária apenas com o telemóvel da mesma funcionária – uma vez que não havia dinheiro dentro da caixa registadora.
O segundo assalto ocorreu pouco depois das 19h00, na Clínica do Pêlo, na avenida Grão Vasco, também em Benfica. A funcionária que estava na recepção também foi ameaçada de pistola por um homem que entrou de rompante.
Segundo o CM apurou, o montante roubado é diminuto – a empresa recebe poucos pagamentos em numerário. A funcionária ficou sem o telemóvel, mas, pela descrição, o assaltante não será o mesmo do primeiro caso.


Blogger legião 1143 said...

são ou não são uma verdadeira riqueza ?
tá lá a foto para provar

25 de maio de 2012 às 20:35:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


25 de maio de 2012 às 22:01:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

occam: é da vd-df por jvs soli; por jus dna é do congo-derivados

25 de maio de 2012 às 22:50:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

um brasuca mestiço né? Duvido que seja um brasuca de origem europeia, branco, de família de classe média... vamos deixar claro por favor! Deve ter sido um nordestino ou um favelado de Rio ou Sp.

26 de maio de 2012 às 04:49:00 WEST  
Blogger legião 1143 said...

mas defender a honra do seu país contra quem assobia o hino também é ser da extrema-direita,nazi,fascista,racista e por aí fora ? o mundo está ao contrario é o que é .

26 de maio de 2012 às 09:31:00 WEST  
Blogger legião 1143 said...

consegues ver aqui algum neonazi ? a mim parece-me o comum cidadão farto de certas coisas, vê o titulo de lavagem dos esquerdoides , alguém em baixo diz que estrangeiros mataram um jovem

26 de maio de 2012 às 09:40:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

GREECE/ Fr. Voutsinos (Catholic Caritas): People are desperate, but want to stay in Europe

May Mon 21, 2012

"Our Caritas project was born as a way to help refugees and illegal immigrants who were in Greece waiting for visas to go to the West, but since the crisis erupted in Greece, Caritas has also begun to help Greek families.

The situation of refugees, especially illegal immigrants, is particularly dramatic because they have no job, no home, and they sleep with twenty people in one room. We try to help however we can, but the difficulty is that the Catholic Church in Greece is an absolute minority, so we are unable to help more. Muslims also come to us because Caritas does not make distinctions of religion or race. They are all sons of God, and so we try to help them all."


26 de maio de 2012 às 16:55:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Immigration activists pick new protest target: Judges
by Kalle Eko
May 16, 2012

"After walking five miles from a church in Little Village, a group of about 25 activists and illegal immigrants arrived in front of a West Loop building to lead a crowd in chanting for change.

Behind the waiting crowd of about 100, Federal Protective Service officers stood in front of their vehicles next to 525 W. Van Buren, a building that houses Chicago Immigration Court and ICE Office of Chief Counsel. Fifty Chicago police officers positioned themselves on the street, some blocking the entrance to the building with their bicycles.

“We are here today because we want to send a very clear message to President Obama,” said the Rev. Jose Landaverde, who led the group that walked from Our Lady Guadalupe Anglican Church, 3442 W. 26th St. “And also to the Homeland Security that are listening to us.”

The group’s message to authorities was for the government to stop deporting illegal immigrants who have not committed crimes. Moreover, instead of blaming border agents and those who raid work sites, rally organizers targeted the immigration judges located on the building’s fifth floor.

Jorge Mujica, a Chicago activist who said he was once undocumented, said that judges were the ones responsible for deporting non-criminals with children born in the United States.

“Everybody blames the wrong guy, so we are blaming the right guy this time,” Mujica said.

In 2011, ICE deported nearly 400,000 illegal immigrants, the highest number the United States government has ever deported. The first three fiscal years of the Obama administration correspond to the three highest number of illegal immigrants deported.

There has also been a dramatic increase in the number of deportations of illegal immigrants with criminal records. From 2010 to 2011, the number of criminals deported jumped from about 169,000 to nearly 220,000.

Landaverde led a who’s who group of activists who protested Chicago’s upcoming NATO summit this weekend. In addition to protesting U.S. immigration policy, protestors held signs decrying income inequality, bank bailouts and the legal proceedings after the death of Trayvon Martin.

Many came from across the United States.

Tom Burke, who drove three hours from Michigan to protest, said his parents were Irish immigrants and that the illegal immigrants should be given full rights.

“I think we’re shining a light on how backwards the immigration policy in the United States is,” said Burke, who plans to protest several times in two trips here. “I think that through protests like this we’re going to change the policy at some point.”

After several activists and illegal immigrants spoke, Landaverde and two others sat in front of the entrance, with Chicago police blocking their entry. Soon after, a police supervisor using a bullhorn announced that building management wanted police to force the protesters off the property.

Four were arrested after refusing to move.

“El pueblo unido,” – the people united – Landaverde yelled as police led him to a van on Canal Street."

Fonte (repare nos cartazes de protesto exibidos na fotografia):

26 de maio de 2012 às 18:05:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

27 de maio de 2012 às 01:55:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

"Quando fui ao Brasil em 2008, face à pressão que então se fazia sentir no Brasil, o Governo português disse-me que podia e devia anunciar a ratificação do acordo, o que fiz"- Cavaco Silva.

27 de maio de 2012 às 15:13:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Caturo, veja esta notícia.

27 de maio de 2012 às 21:21:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

"Quando fui ao Brasil em 2008, face à pressão que então se fazia sentir no Brasil, o Governo português disse-me que podia e devia anunciar a ratificação do acordo, o que fiz"- Cavaco Silva.


28 de maio de 2012 às 00:54:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

27 de Maio de 2012 21:21:00 WEST

não, é que agora eles contam como racismo até quando um guri curioso pergunta se o outro veio do congo por ser claramente alien..

a mistificação dessa palavra via desvalores aliens é de uma irracionalidade unica..tipo um idiota no google mais comunista se fingindo de ambientalista me chamando de burgues como se isso fosse uma ofensa..o cara não sabe nem a etimologia dessas palavras e como papagaio memetico tipico de qi -1 acha que ta abafando geral..hehe

28 de maio de 2012 às 01:02:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

não, é que agora eles contam como racismo até quando um guri curioso pergunta se o outro veio do congo por ser claramente alien..

a mistificação dessa palavra via desvalores aliens é de uma irracionalidade unica..tipo um idiota no google mais comunista se fingindo de ambientalista me chamando de burgues como se isso fosse uma ofensa..o cara não sabe nem a etimologia dessas palavras e como papagaio memetico tipico de qi -1 acha que ta abafando geral..hehe

27 de Maio de 2012 21:21:00 WEST

o cara é um favelado analfa migrante do deep hinterland que conclui que alguem é de classe x ou y por que tem sobrenome z ou f no

28 de maio de 2012 às 01:03:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

ele foi corrompido pelo zog e não quer dizer a verdade e vem com essa de pressão tipo o gaytulio, churchill e others..

28 de maio de 2012 às 01:04:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


alemã é resgatada após anos de cativeiro

Último Segundo - iG - ‎há 7 horas‎

Uma adolescente alemã foi resgatada do cativeiro de um casal bósnio acusado de espancá-la e fazê-la passar fome por anos, além de prendê-la a arreiros de uma charrete para puxá-la. A adolescente de 19 anos, mantida em uma aldeia na cidade de Kalesija ...


28 de maio de 2012 às 01:30:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

um brasuca mestiço né? Duvido que seja um brasuca de origem europeia, branco, de família de classe média... vamos deixar claro por favor! Deve ter sido um nordestino ou um favelado de Rio ou Sp.

nordestino caipira migrante o deep hinterland com dinheiro pra ir pra europa?hahah..mal eles tem grana pra migrar pra vd-df..devem ser classe meso-baixa da vd-df que parcela as passagens em 300 vezes e paga com a grana do roubo na ex-ue..assaltantes tipicos daquela favela gigante que é o cudeste meridional..

28 de maio de 2012 às 07:36:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

*do deep hinterland

29 de maio de 2012 às 00:45:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Cristãos de Chicago auxiliam imigrantes ilegais a evitarem a deportação.

"Chicago Church Counsels Migrants on Avoiding Deportation

CHICAGO – Drunk driving or driving without a license can be a shortcut to deportation, according to a pamphlet distributed among undocumented worshippers at Our Lady of the Americas Episcopal Church in Chicago.

Illinois has tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants who drive daily without a license or car insurance, and among them a high percentage are detained for DUI.

Despite the fact that in Cook County, where Chicago is located, a “sanctuary” ordinance protects the undocumented from police questioning about their immigrant status, and that since last September county jails do not hand over the undocumented to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a high percentage are still being deported.

“And we’re the ones who collaborate most with immigration – we’re deporting ourselves,” activist Jesus Vargas told Efe.

“Our people apparently don’t understand that they can’t drink and drive, or that DUI is considered a danger to the community and will send them straight to the immigration authorities,” he said in an interview.

Other common crimes that become really serious for the undocumented include arrest for drug use, solicitation by prostitutes, sexual abuse and domestic violence.

According to Vargas, “going around with a fake ID, insurance document or driver’s license” are federal crimes that don’t even give a person the chance to appear before a judge. “Deportation is automatic,” he said.

The church, located in the heavily Latino neighborhood of Logan Square, decided to help its faithful by distributing the pamphlet “No Te Deportes” (Don’t Deport Yourself).

It’s a guide in Spanish about the different types of crime and what to do in case of arrest.

Vargas said that many undocumented immigrants are detained in the suburbs, have their fingerprints taken and suddenly a record of drunk driving or driving without a license comes to light. In some cases they can spend a couple of years in jail before being deported.

The activist said that immigrants often have no awareness of the seriousness of domestic violence, which could mean not only hitting or abusing the spouse, but also punishing children for getting poor grades at school.

“Though the child doesn’t report it, the school might do so because they realize what might be happening,” he said.

The better informed people are, the fewer mistakes they’ll make, and also the fewer excuses there will be for authorities to investigate an undocumented stopped in the street for a minor traffic infraction, Vargas said.

Amalia Lopez, currently in the process of deportation, told Efe that the undocumented desperately need the judges’ understanding.

“If they send me back to (the western Mexican state of) Michoacan, I have no idea what I’ll do, things are very tough there,” she said.

For his part, Victor Manuel Arroyo, also awaiting deportation, said that many people come to the United States without knowing what life is like here. “They think it’s just about coming here to work, but they have to be careful what they talk about in the streets, because sometimes people can deport themselves,” he said.

The leaflet advises the undocumented “not to say or sign anything” about their immigration status in case of detention. “You must say nothing and contact an attorney.”

“The more you talk, the worse off you are. It doesn’t matter if you use that fake ID just to get a job, you can end up wearing an ankle monitor and waiting for the day they deport you,” the leaflet says."


29 de maio de 2012 às 02:50:00 WEST  

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