terça-feira, fevereiro 23, 2010


Em Roubaix, norte de França, o presidente da câmara, o socialista Rene Vandierendonck, acusou a cadeia de restaurantes «Quick» de cometerem um acto de discriminação ao servirem apenas comida «halal», isto é, muçulmana, em oito dos seus trezentos e cinquenta estabelecimentos, incluindo o de Roubaix.
Vários deputados do partido do presidente Nicolas Sarkozy condenaram esta atitude do presidente da câmara de Roubaix; Marine Le Pen, vice-presidente da Frente Nacional, aproveitou por seu turno para avisar contra a islamização.

O episódio enquadra-se num ambiente de pré-eleições regionais, as quais serão realizadas no próximo mês, ambiente marcado ainda pelo polémico e aceso debate sobre a identidade nacional lançado pelo governo.

Vandierendonck foi mais longe - apelou a um boicote contra o ramo da Quick na área. E explicou a sua posição: «Não estou incomodado pelo facto de haver um menu halal. Mas isto vai longe de mais porque é o único menu na oferta o que resultou em descriminação

A Quick defende-se, afirmando que se trata simplesmente de um teste ao «interesse comercial e à exequibilidade técnica» da introdução dos menus halal. E acrescenta que houve realmente uma melhoria no negócio...

Serve esta resposta «muito natural» da Quick como um aviso, mais eloquente do que aquilo que é atribuído a Marine Le Pen - porque demonstra que é a própria lógica capitalista, a saber, a do lucro puro e duro, sem considerações de carácter identitário ou proteccionista, é esta própria lógica, dizia-se, que pode servir de veículo a uma poderosa islamização.


Anonymous Francis Peacock said...

The Christian religion is a brainwashing that ALL HUMANS ARE BAD because Eve ate of the fruit of knowledge. So they ALL GO TO HELL to be “TORMENTED FOR EVER AND EVER WITHOUT REST DAY AND NIGHT” no matter how good they were in this life! The ones born BEFORE Jesus came to “save” them go to Hell for not having had a chance to hear about Jesus and accepting him as their personal and “sufficient” Savior. They are actually the luckiest ones because Christian theologians claim that when Jesus died he didn’t go to Paradise, but he went to Hell to preach to the “captive souls” in there including Adam and Eve. He had about 36 hours from the moment that he died to the time that he “resurrected” to convert all the people in Hell to believe in him. He didn’t perform any miracle while in Hell. He must have showed up in there telling everybody that his Daddy up in Heaven is willing to save them if they believe in him. They had less than 36 hours to make up their mind. BTW, the 3 days and 3 nights (72 hours) story that Jesus MUST BE IN HELL is a Holy Bible contradiction. The Catholics came up with the idea of a “Purgatory” and a “Limbo” to accommodate the “souls” of GOOD people regardless of their religion or lack thereof and all the “souls” that most Church brands are sending to Hell! This basic kind of “SALVATION” religion works perfectly well for millions of Christians. That is what must be believed to be a Christian and go to Fairy Heaven when you die. Christians are willing to kill and die forcing this fairy tale on the rest of humanity! You need to be mentally competent to understand what Christian “salvation” is all about because they tell you that “ONLY JESUS SAVES!” but you need to do all the work of believing. The Catholics get some extra help from the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Holy Saints that they can rally in prayer to help them out to go to “Heaven” when you die! Children anywhere in the world including those of atheist parents that are UNDER the age of accountability (early teens), fetuses and stem cells go to Heaven scot free because “Jesus loves the little children of the world!” although there is a stern warning in the Bible that Jesus will kill the children in the wrong “Church,” but maybe as a loving pedophile would do to take them to Heaven to be with Jesus before they grow up and go to Hell as adults for rejecting him, or for never hearing about him! The Christian idea of a “Savior” is a sadomasochistic joke on the whole of humanity that Christians try to “conquer” for Jesus! I’m not ranting about something that I understand to be only sheer mythology! I am telling it like it is. I was a Fundamentalist “Born Again” Bible Believing Baptist Christian Minister for most of my life and I just couldn’t take it any more so I dropped out of Christianity and religion in general! Practically ALL Preachers resort to volumes of books written by famous “theologians” explaining away anything in the Bible that is detrimental to the Christian faith! It took only a few neurons in my head to figure out that religion is a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception and/or expression of reality that most Preachers and Clergy fail to see. Christians are trained NEVER TO QUESTION THEIR FAITH! The distortions in perception may affect all five senses. It is a serious social disorder. In most severe cases, those affected are willing to kill and die, or enthusiastically SUPPORT THOSE WHO DO, or behave very silly and irrational on behalf of their religion while forcing it on the rest of us. Fortunately, Christianity is loosing its grip in our society. It may take a little longer for Islam to go the way of the dinosaurs, but it will… hopefully not in a nuclear “accident!” I’m concerned about the Islamic Self Bomber mentality, too! The lower the IQ the more devoted to their religion they are!

23 de fevereiro de 2010 às 12:55:00 WET  

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