terça-feira, outubro 28, 2008


Manuela Ferreira Leite, do PSD, diz que o anúncio do primeiro-ministro José Sócrates de que o ordenado mínimo vai no próximo ano subir aos 450 euros mensais, é promessa a «roçar a irresponsabilidade», porque, diz a líder dos Sociais-Democratas, não se pode dar às pessoas a falsa esperança de que a situação vai melhorar no próximo ano.

Ora se toda esta gente, seja de que partido for, tivesse um pingo de vergonha na cara, não discutia sequer medidas como esta do primeiro-ministro. Porque todo e qualquer político dos partidos que têm estado no poder, aliás, todo e qualquer cidadão nacional, devia achar escandaloso e inadmissível que um país que supostamente estava ao nível da Grécia em 1990 tenha agora um ordenado mínimo que não chega sequer a metade do dos Helenos (€387 para €700...), e cujos líderes sindicais não esperam melhor do que um ordenado mínimo de quinhentos e tal euros em 2012, enquanto já há na Grécia trabalhadores a exigir os mil e tal euros de salário mínimo...


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Abriu uma loja da Tifany em Espanha... Parece que a crise é só para alguns.

28 de outubro de 2008 às 03:39:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Caturo a Ministro do Trabalho e Solidariedade Social já!

28 de outubro de 2008 às 17:12:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

by Fjordman:
«When asked whether the member countries of the EU joined the union voluntarily, and whether the resulting integration reflects the democratic will of Europeans, Vladimir Bukovksy replied, “No, they did not. Look at Denmark which voted against the Maastricht treaty twice. Look at Ireland [which voted against the Nice treaty]. Look at many other countries, they are under enormous pressure. It is almost blackmail. It is a trick for idiots. The people have to vote in referendums until the people vote the way that is wanted. Then they have to stop voting. Why stop? Let us continue voting. The European Union is what Americans would call a shotgun marriage.”

In 1992, Bukovksy had unprecedented access to Politburo and other Soviet secret documents, as described in his book Judgement in Moscow. In January 1989, during a meeting between Soviet leader Gorbachev, former Japanese Prime Minister Nakasone, former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, American banker Rockefeller and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Giscard d’Estaing supposedly stated: “Europe is going to be a federal state and you have to prepare yourself for that. You have to work out with us, and the European leaders, how you would react to that.”

This was in the 1980s, when most of the media still dismissed as scaremongering any talk of a political union that would subdue the nation states. Fifteen years later, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing became the chief drafter of the truly awful EU Constitution, an impenetrable brick of a book, hundreds of pages long, and lacking any of the checks and balances so crucial to the American Constitution. Giscard has argued that the rejection of the Constitution in the French and Dutch referenda in 2005 “was a mistake which will have to be corrected” and insisted that “In the end, the text will be adopted.”

Giscard has also said that “it was a mistake to use the referendum process” because “it is not possible for anyone to understand the full text.” Does it instill confidence among the citizens of Europe that we are supposed to be under the authority of a “Constitution” that is too complex for most non-bureaucrats to understand? According to Spain’s justice minister Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar “you don’t need to read the European constitution to know that it is good.”

Jean-Luc Dehaene, former Belgian Prime Minister, said that “We know that nine out of ten people will not have read the Constitution and will vote on the basis of what politicians and journalists say. More than that, if the answer is No, the vote will probably have to be done again, because it absolutely has to be Yes.”

Journalist Nidra Poller, however, is more skeptical. Commenting on the debate prior to the EU Constitution referendum in France, she noted a submissive attitude among EU leaders towards Muslim demands: “The Euro-Mediterranean ‘Dialogue’ is a masterpiece of abject surrender.” The European Union functions as an intermediate stage of an ominous project that calls for a meltdown of traditional European culture, to be replaced by a new, Eurabian cocktail. And she asks: “When subversive appeasement hides behind the veil of ‘Dialogue,’ what unspeakable ambitions might be dissembled by the noble word ‘Constitution’?”

The European Union gave the Palestinians $342.8 million in aid in 2005 — or, more accurately, $612.15 million when assistance from the 25 EU governments is included. Even the United States has repeatedly donated millions of American tax dollars to the Palestinian Authority, though not at EU levels. In July 2005, as a response to the Islamic terrorist attacks on London a few days earlier, leaders of the G8, the group of influential industrialized nations, offered the PA some $9 billion, dubbed an “alternative to the hatred.”

The West’s largesse continued despite a demographic study in 2005 which revealed that the number showing the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza had been inflated by 50% by the government.

Almost all of the new infrastructure in the Palestinian territories from the beginning of the Oslo Peace Process in the 1990s — schools, hospitals, airports — were arranged and paid for by Brussels. As Jihad was once again unleashed with the second Intifada in 2000, Israel stopped its transfer of payments to the Palestinians. So the EU stepped in with another 10 million Euros a month in direct budgetary assistance to the Palestinian Authority. EU Commissioner for External Affairs Chris Patten stated in 2002 that “there is no case for stating that EU money has financed terrorism, has financed the purchase of weapons, or any similar activities.”

However, a report by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies later found that: “There is indisputable evidence that PA money has been used to fund terrorist activities.” This was confirmed by Fuad Shubaki, who used to serve as the finance chief in the Palestinian security forces. According to him, former Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat ordered millions of dollars, taken from international aid funds, tax money transferred by Israel and from Arab countries, to be used to purchase weapons and ammunition, including the 50 tons of armaments on board the ship Karine A. The transaction was coordinated between the PA, Hizballah in Lebanon and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

In May 2006, Mahmoud Abbas — President of the Palestinian Authority after Arafat’s death in November 2004 and a leading politician in Fatah — talked to the European Parliament about the peace process. At the same time, the al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of Fatah, threatened to strike at US and European economic and civilian interests in response to international sanctions on the PA. Financial support evokes no gratitude in the Palestinians. However, they will threaten you with violence if aid is not forthcoming. This is plainly extortion.

This shakedown corresponds to the Muslims’ view of the jizya, the tributary tax paid by non-Muslims in exchange for not being killed. Documents from the Euro-Arab Dialogue frequently mention about “financial assistance” from the EU to Arab countries. Bat Ye’or points out that some of this jizya tax is extracted from Europeans without their awareness.

In November 2005, the EU’s official financial watchdog refused to approve the EU’s accounts for the 11th year in a row because they were so full of fraud and errors. The European Court of Auditors refused to give a statement of assurance on the EU’s $160.3 billion budget for 2004. “The vast majority of the payment budget was again materially affected by errors of legality and regularity,” it said. It specifically refused to approve the budgets for the EU’s foreign policy and aid programs, many of which are geared towards Arab countries. Half the project budgets approved by the European Commission were inadequately monitored.

The European Commission is considered the EU’s “government,” and thus the government of nearly half a billion people. But it can release accounts with massive flaws for over a decade straight because it is largely unaccountable to anybody and was intended to be that way.

Muslims use deception to advance Jihad until it is almost too late for the infidels to stop them. The EU federalists and Eurabians have taken a page out of the Islamic playbook, and have been approaching their goals by stealth for decades, buried beneath a mass of detail and technocratic newspeak all but incomprehensible to non-bureaucrats.

In a frank moment, Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourg’s prime minister, once described the EU’s “system” in this way: “We decide on something, leave it lying around and wait and see what happens,” he explained. “If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.”»


28 de outubro de 2008 às 17:22:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Notas de Euro utilizadas para a Escravização

Segredos do Euro 6

Por Rainer Daehnhardt

Poucos em Portugal têm conhecimento de que as notas de 200 Euros e de 500 Euros não podem ser emitidas no nosso país. As que vemos em circulação vieram todas do estrangeiro. As letras impressas antes da sua numeração obedecem a um código, mais ou menos secreto, que nos dá informações acerca do país de origem:

Áustria = letra "N"
Bélgica = letra "Z"
Finlândia = letra "L"
França = letra "U"
Alemanha = letra "X"
Grécia = letra "Y"
Irlanda = letra "T"
Itália = letra "S"
Luxemburgo = letra "R"
Holanda = letra "P"
Espanha = letra "V"
Portugal = letra "M"

À nossa vizinha Espanha, por exemplo, já se concedeu o direito de imprimir notas de 200 e de 500 Euros. A muito promovida "IGUALDADE" entre os estados membros da UE não passa, pois, de uma miragem! Uns são mais iguais que outros! A CEE ainda era uma comunidade com um certo grau de igualdade de direitos e deveres. A CE, porém, já não o era, dividindo os seus membros entre uns de 1ª e outros de 2ª. A UE nem disfarça sequer esta diferenciação e divide os seus membros entre um chamado "núcleo duro", ou seja, de 1ª categoria, os secundários, que entraram na segunda vaga e os terceiros, os últimos a chegar! Factos recentes levam mesmo a crer que se pretende criar um estatuto de 4ª categoria para os que ainda desejam entrar, mas que por enquanto não foram admitidos.

A aberração de tudo isto torna-se cada vez mais clara, quando se nota que tudo está montado de acordo com o sistema soviético, com comissários não directamente eleitos, que não são responsabilizados pelos seus actos perante ninguém.

Com o derrube das fronteiras, propagou-se a instabilidade social, com consequências dramáticas. E com a desculpa de por termo às mesmas, prepara-se agora um assalto estatal aos cidadãos, através da utilização das notas do Euro.

Em início de Outubro de 2008, lançou-se uma operação surpresa na maioria dos aeroportos alemães, inspeccionando-se os passageiros (obrigando muitos a despirem-se até), para verificar quanto dinheiro levavam consigo. Tinha surgido uma directiva de Bruxelas e ninguém deve andar com mais de 7000 Euros. Todas as quantias superiores a esta foram confiscadas até que os seus possuidores pudessem explicar a origem do dinheiro e a razão para andarem com ele. Os comissários de Bruxelas querem o controlo orwelliano sobre a circulação do dinheiro. Com a desculpa de procurarem dinheiro de droga ou de lavagem de dinheiro, metem as suas mãos sujas nos bolsos dos cidadãos e no dinheiro deles, produto do seu trabalho e que ao "insectóides" nada diz respeito.

Semanas antes mandaram parar 5000 viaturas numa estrada muito movimentada em França e examinaram o conteúdo das mesmas, à procura de tudo o que fosse ilegal, incluindo qualquer quantia de dinheiro considerada suspeita. O montante máximo permitido era o de 7000 Euros. Porém, quando alguém vestido com calças de ganga e sapatos de ténis tinha na sua posse quantias inferiores, confiscaram as mesmas para os obrigar a provar a sua origem, dado que a mesma lhes parecia "suspeita".

Está em discussão a criação de novas notas de 200 e de 500 Euros, com a implantação de um chip que faz apitar a sua presença em detectores especiais, que se tencionam instalar em estações ferroviárias, portos e aeroportos.

George Orwell há muito que está ultrapassado. As notas de dinheiro já se tornaram nas novas ferramentas da escravização global!

29 de outubro de 2008 às 16:05:00 WET  

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