segunda-feira, outubro 31, 2005


Boa malha, a que D.C. Watson dá nas Nações Unidas, o bastião do politicamente correcto por excelência, organização que mostra querer controlar a internet, com o pretexto de que, se não houver um acordo a este respeito, países como a China, a Rússia, o Brasil e certos Estados árabes, vão criar a sua própria internet, afectando assim o sucesso da internet americana, que se espalhou pelo mundo todo...
Pois que a criem, diz Watson, para verem o sucesso que têm...

A suspeita de Watson parece-me muito bem fundamentada: a tropa esquerdista e geralmente internacionalista que dirige as N.U. prepara-se para censurar tudo o que seja nazi, fascista, anti-islâmico, a avaliar pelo ataque à «islamofobia» feito por Kofi Anan - e, aliás, esta pretensão controladora tem o aplauso dos muçulmanos, o que, só por si, já quer dizer qualquer coisa (e a avalanche de motivos que D. C. Watson apresenta para demonstrar que os muçulmanos actuais devem ser criticados, é absolutamente impagável). É caso para dizer que, quando os muçulmanos aplaudem o controle da internet, anda mouro na costa.

Pois quanto a mim, a escolha está clara: não se abandona o que está a correr bem, e a internet, nas mãos dos norte-americanos, tem sido livre, fazendo jus â tradição de liberdade de expressão anglo-saxónica. Portanto, é deixá-la estar como está, sobretudo porque não há alternativas de jeito no horizonte, antes pelo contrário.


Anonymous Anónimo said...§ion=0&article=71012&d=2&m=10&y=2005

É interessante um dos comentários:

As outrageous as it sounds, I expect it to happen. They have been itching to get their grimy hands on the internet for years. I don't think too many Americans are aware that we are being sold out lock, stock and barrel to the U.N.. No, actually we're being SACRIFICED AT THE ALTAR OF THE MOST CORRUPT, INEPT, COSTLY, WASTEFUL,AMBITIOUS, AND ARROGANT ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD. George Bush has done more to cede our sovereignty to the U.N. that any president in U.S. history. Do any of you recall his father's speech when he was president in which this statement (paraphrased) was made: "One day all Americans will pledge their alliegance to the sacred flag of the United Nations."

One of GWB's campaign promises was that he would NEVER ALLOW U.S. TROOPS TO SERVE IN A U.N.ARMY. under the command of foreigners. He just signed an agreement for the U.S. military to assist the U.N. in establishing a police force and a military, to include U.S. troops. It was never intended for the U.N. to become militarized; that is not what it was created for. But I guess our future seat of government needs some guns to back it up.

Ronald Regan withdrew U.S. membership in UNESCO, George Bush signed us back up. If you don't know what UNESCO's mission is, please look it up. Reagan was a staunch opponent of the LOST treaty of the seas which grants the U.N. full control of off shore mining and a host of other activities, GWB is all for it. Condi was pushing it a few months ago on behalf of her stupid boss. It was up for another vote not long ago; I don't know if it passed or is still pending. It will compromise our national defense and many other issues related to our sovereignty, which is all but gone anyway.

Bush literally shoved CAFTA through Congress as it was about to be voted down. In March of this year, he met with Fox of Mexico and the prime minister of Canada at his ranch and they signed an agreement to abolish the borders between the three countries. The new "borderless" North America should be in full swing within five years and will be a replicate of the E.U. So it's very easy to understand why he refuses to protect our borders. He wants illegals to flood the U.S. Just wait until there are no restrictions and watch this country implode. There is no way we can absorb the entire population of Mexico.

George Bush is an internationalist. He pretends to be wary of the U.N., not to like it too much, but that is all an act. Congress is full of like-minded advocates of open borders and a one-world government, both Democrats and Republicans. Prepare yourselves for the U.N. lovers to stab the American people in the back by giving our internet to the socialist thieves in the U.N. Once they get it, we'll have to pay them to use it!

I think the American people would stage a violent, massive revolt if they knew what our elected leaders were doing, but most won't find out until it's too late. The mainstream news media does not report these activities because the public outcry might stop some of them. Get ready for the next step in the master plan---U.N. taxes. The poverty-stricken third world is patiently waiting to be saved again and somebody's got to pay for it. And we can't forget the behemoth payroll for the bureaucracy in the U.N.

Posted by: Susanp at October 16, 2005 11:45 PM

31 de outubro de 2005 às 13:30:00 WET  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

TV Guia-N.º 1.395-Ano XXVII-de 24 a 30/10/2005-pg. 121

Sobe e Desce por João Gobern

A Descer


E pronto, acabado o Verão, consumada a "rentrée", voltámos a um encontro semanal que estaria muito mais de acordo com a "silly season", uma patetice pretensiosa (pelo lado da insuportável "pose irreverente" do seu apresentador) e desgarrada chamada "A REVOLTA DOS PASTÉIS DE NATA", na 2:. Numa das últimas semanas, nem se aproveitou a presença serena e sábia de Fernando Dacosta para subir a média, mesmo sabendo-se que o seu pensamento exige tempo e aprofundamento. Nada. Manteve-se o molde, primário, e desaproveitou-se a (rara) ida à televisão de quem merecia respeito.

31 de outubro de 2005 às 13:45:00 WET  

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