sexta-feira, agosto 19, 2005


No Reino Unido, as escolas muçulmanas ou madrassas, ensinam os jovens a odiar a Índia.

Mas então... esse conflito entre muçulmanos e indianos não é só uma coisa «lá entre eles, os orientais», uma coisita regional?... Porque é que os jovens muçulmanos a viver em Inglaterra devem ser doutrinados contra a Índia?

Será que os seus doutrinadores esperam poder recrutá-los para irem do Reino Unido até à Índia com o intuito de fazerem explodir bombas?

E então a imprensa «livre» ocidental, não dá conta desse facto? Tanto se preocupam em «conhecer as raizes do problema», em «ouvir a versão deles», e, no entanto, não reparam neste ódio milenar aos hindus, que nada tem a ver com o Ocidente?....

Acresce que, desmentindo mais uma vez a clássica teoria esquerdista de que os terroristas são muçulmanos pobrezinhos, a realidade é que a maior parte dos terroristas que parte das escolas islâmicas para irem fazer a sua «jihad», são meninos de classe média.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Eles odeiam tudo o que é Ariano (desde os Valores e Sistemas), até a pacífica e miscigenada Índia!... Parece que é de propósito!

19 de agosto de 2005 às 16:21:00 WEST  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Victim Support - supporting Whites too

18th August 2005

News article filed by Lee Barnes

The following e mail has over the past few days been sent to the hundreds of people who flooded Victim Support with e mails asking why the organisation was refusing to investigate racial hate crimes against Whites in Britain.

We have pointed out to the Victim Support organisation that whilst they support all racial groups as victims of crimes, the organisations they list as providing direct assistance to people listed on the letters they send to people, every single one of them have policies that state that they only provide assistance to blacks, asians, asylum seekers and refugees.

If White people are victims of racial crime in this country, not one of the organisations that are listed as aiding victims of racial crime within the Victim Support organisation will accept or assist a white victim of crime. This we have been promised will also be investigated by Victim Support. Victim Support did not realise that this was happening when Whites were asking the organisation for help, and they have stated that this is unacceptable and that they will seek to ensure Whites have rights in future.

We thank all those that took the time to send an e mail to Victim Support and also thank Victim Support for responding to our communities concerns.

email response

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your e-mail in response to the announcement of Victim Support’s hate crime research project. We have listened to your views with interest.

Many of those who have emailed have misunderstood the nature of our research project. We are not excluding the views or experiences of white victims of racially motivated crime. Our starting point is hate crime - criminal activity motivated by prejudice and carried out on someone because of who or what they are. We would consider attacks against white people by those of other races to qualify as hate crimes in the same way as attacks on minority ethnic groups.

We would also like to stress that we are an independent charity and that every year we help around 1.75 million victims of all kinds of crime. Our support is free, confidential, and available to anyone affected by crime, regardless of their age, race, faith, sexuality or lifestyle.

Victim Support 16 August 2004

19 de agosto de 2005 às 16:31:00 WEST  

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